GT ' • >. 5, One Penny. if The PwlIKeli Joi pi issued tm JUa Jtoab (English igrcsbgterian (tthwrdi •*\,*VoX\k*VX*VV»V%*VO* Contents. Pwllheli Revisited—Alone .... Church and other Notes Life's Little Worries The Shadow Of a Sin-—Serial Story The Music of the Sanctuary ... What a man did for his Minister Heroes of the Mission Field. VI. The The Wonders of the Microscope Helps to the Devout Life ... The brutal sport of Bull-Fighting (Illust A Chat with the Children ... Monthly Calendar. &c, &c, &c. SERVICES: Sunday? at 11 a.m., and 6 -p.m., School at 2-30 p.m., Monday* and Fridays, at 7-30 p.m. FREE SEATS. Pastor: Rev. E. Myrddin Rees. J'Wa,;!i:i.! : PRINTED BY RJOHD. ..10XKS, HK,H STREET. W. Edwards Tirebuck ....... A.I.P R«v. F. B. Meyer, B. A Ethel F. Heddle "Rev-....E. Myrddin Rees Ian Maclaren Rev, John Smith. .. Dr. W. H. Dallinger Rev. G. S. Barret, D.D rated) ... ... Rev. J. Reid Howatt