VÒL IX. No. 103.] JULY, 1903 [PRICE THREEPENCE A NÄIÎONAI/ PERIODIGAL Edited by J.HUGH.EDWÀRDS. CONTENTS. The Dawn of European Civilizat!on. By T. Stephens, B.A. A National Museum and Library for Wales. By Arlunydd Penygarn. Types of Welsh Life : I.—The Welsh Collier. Finland—The Land of Pines and Lakes. By T. Mardy Riìes, Bucrley. Reminiscences of Thomas Stephens. William Salesbury. Eos Avon Whiskey Jones: A Bard of Wales. ' By C. L. Barfort. The Old Cymry and the CuItivation of Physical Strength. LIys=y=Coed (Novel) By Gwilym Bellys. CARDIFF: ROBERTS BROTHERS. LONDON: SIMPKIN MARSHALL, & Co. I s b > ll 3° 11 52! H *rJ * 2 tti H 0) "