ŵersiÌY Celebratinn Number. Vol. VIII. No. 89.1 MAY, 1902. [PRICE THREEPENCE. TOJNGWES ANÄTIONAL-PERIODIGAi Edited by J.HUGH.OTÀRDS. GONTENTS. University of Wales : Ode on the Installation <>f theChan cellor, Bv 8111 Lbwis Mohius. The Intermediate Schools in their Relation to the Uni = versity of Wales. Bv A. C'. HlMl'HKEYS-UWEN\ M.P. Ihstallation of the Prince of Wales as Chancellor of the Welsh University. By tiii'. lìi v. Fathkk Ignatius. The Instaliation. B\ Pl'.Ol'. El)«'AKl) Euwards.M- A. The Pioneers of Welsh Edu= cation. By .). Al'STIN JeNKINS, B.A. The late Principal Viriamu Jones. By Principal T. F. Roberts, M.A., Ll.I). Welsh Literary Notes. By L. J. Roberts, M.A. Peace."Bv Lester Mills. The Bwgan of Coed Du. By Annie Pierce. WREXHAM: HUGHE5 AND SON, LONDON : SIMPKIN, MAR5HALL, & Co. hgm § m 70