Vol. VIII. No. 88.] APRIL, 1902. [PRICE THREEPENCE. ANÄIÎONAt- PERIODIGAt Edited by J.HUGH.EDWARDS. photo. by] [Maull and Fox, London. PRINCIPAL ORIFFITH5, M.A., F.R.S. CONTENTS. —•— The Welsh: Á Neglected Imperial Ásset. By Rey. W. G. Edwarws-Rees, m.a. An Inspiration or an Inyasion— WhÌCh ? By Rhys J. Hlws. The Bwgan of Coed Du. By Annie Pierce. Lyrics from the Welsh. By Rohert Bryan. Studies in Britannic=Hebraic Eschatology. By Rev. D. Wynne Evans. Life's Sunset. by j. h. eyans. Interyiews with Welsh Leaders. IX.—Principal Griffiths. By F. E. Hamer. WREXHAM: HUGHES AND SON, LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHAI.L, & Co. ? 6 £