[voI. VII. No. 84.] DECEMBER, 1901. [PRICE THREEPENCE. A NÄTlONAI/ PERIODICAI, Edited by J.HUGH.EDWARDS. DR. EMRYS-JONES. COMTENTS. The Lessons oí the Session in reference to Wales. By T. Artemus Jones. The Incorporation of London Welsh Freemasons. by « one of them." The Disillusions of John Probert. By Ernest Rhys. A Maid of Cymru.—Part III. By"Y Ddatj Wynne." Interviews wiíh Welsh Leaders. VI.—Dr. Emrys Jones. By F. E. Hamer. Uchmor Lloyd. WREXHAM: HUOHES AND SON, LONDON : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & Co.