Vol. VII. No. 82.] OCTOBER, 1901. [PRICE THREEPENCE. TOíGWALES A NÄrtONAL • PERIODICAI, Edited by J.HUGH.EDWÄRDS. MR. J. TREVOR OWEN, M.A. (Headmaster, Swansea County School) CONTENTS. The Place of Oswestry in the History of Wales. By J. Parry-Jones. Gold in Wales: An Idyll. By Arlünydd Penygarn. Celtia's Congress. 1. By "Y Ddal' Wynne." 2. By William George. The Theological Colleges of Wales. I.—Bala and Trevecca. By John Owens, Llandinam. A Maid of Cymru.—Part III. By " Y Ddau Wynne." Wales: Month by Month. By the Editor. WREXHAM: HUOHES AND SON, LONDON : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & Co.