Vol. VII. No. 74.] FEBRUARY, IOOI. [PRICE THREEPENCE. TOCTAIíS A- NÄIÎONAI/ PERIODIGÄI Bdited by J.HUGH.EDWARDS. THE BISHOP OF ST. ASAPH. CONTENTS. Frontispiece: "The Senate of the University of Wales at its First Duly Constituted Meeting." The Religious Development of Wales during the Nineteenth Century. By Rev. Gtrifpith Ellis, m.a. The Book of the Month. By F. E. Hamer. The Welsh County Councils: Their Record and their Possibilities. By Alderman J. M. Howell, Aber Ajeron. À Maid of Cymru. by « y ddau wynne.' Interviews with Welsh Leaders: I—The Bishop of St. Asaph. By F. E. Hamer. Literary Jottings. by eobert bryan. Wales: Month by Month. By the Editor. WREXHAM: HUOHES AND SON. LONDON : S1MPKIN, MARSHALL, & Co.