Vol. VI. No. 71.] NOYEMBER, 1900. [Price Threepence. Edrted by J. HÜGH EDWÄRDS. - <?m> ©ontent» Some Factors Making for Unity in Our National Life. By J. Herbert Roberts, M.P. Byron and Wordsworth. An Address fotjnd among THE MSS. OF AlUN Wyn. Mr. Alfred DaYÌes, M.P. í> Welsh Literary Echoes and Impressions, By Ernest Ehys. Ä Maid of Cymru. 1 By " The Dau Wynne." CD a> a> Oo, Authors of " One of the Royal Celtt," " Days in Sicily," "David," fc. CARN ARVON. Printed bv the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, "Express" Office