me, Vol. VI. No. 69.] SEPTEMBER, 1900. [Price Threepence. Edtted by J. HUGH EDWÄRJBS, "The Priest, Politics, and the People.' By S. R. Jeneins, B.A. Ä Maid of Cymru. By "The Dau Wynne." Authors of *■* One of the Royal Celts," " Days in Sicily," " David," §c. Wales and Social Problems. By Ceehent Edwards. Cromwell and Welshmen. By D. Wynne Evans. Illustrations of Welsh Scenery. Ballad: " The GraYes of th'e Cymric Dead." Welsh Literary Echoes and Impressions. By Ebnest Rhys. Welsh Notes. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ' Young Wales,' Aeerystwyth." - . ■ .........■ ......^M-NARVON. ..... Printed bv the Welsh Nationa]_ Press Company, Limited, "Express" Office