Vol. VI. No. 68.] AUGUST, 1900. [Price Threepence. is a> o> co su ! 03 iJ 55 53 •73 H íìaíîonaî Periadical Edited by J. HUGH EDWÄRDS, l&otitant*. The Welsh County Sehool System Its Merits and Defects. By F. E. Hamer (of the Manihester (Juardian). The Improyement of Welsh Fisheries. By Henry Bonsall, C.C. Ä Maid of Cymru. By " The Dau Wynne." Attthors of " One «f the JRoyal Celts" " Daysin Steüyy" "Daviä," %c. The Literature of Wales during the Nineteenth Century. By JRichard Williams, F.E.H.S. >■* p- CU sr 00 sr oa Mr. P. E. Hamer. Welsh Literary Echoes and Im- pressions. By Eenest Ehys. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ' Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." CARNARVON. Printed bv the Welsh Nationaì Press Company. Limited, "Express" Office '^m