Vol. VI. No. 67.] JÜLY, 1900. [Price Threepence. tfl •e Edited by J. HÜGH EDWARDE, ü-ìjL'il Rey. T. Eynon Dayies. iÌBSISHBflJ^^ ©ontcrttŵ. Characteristics of Childhood. By E. E. Hughes, M.A., B.Sc. Äftermath. By Miss M. D. Eyans. The Commercial Education of the Boys of Paris. By William Edwards, M.A., GoWERTOÎf. Welsh Folk Lore. ni. By T. Griffiths Jones. A Maid of Cymru. By"The Dau Wynne." Authors of " One of the Royal Celts," " Daysin Sicily," "Bavid," ỳe. The Lady of the Green Wood. By C. M. Welsh Literary Echoes and Im- pressions. By Ernest EnYs. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ■ Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." CARNARVON. Printed bv the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, "Express" Office