Vol. VI. No. 66.-} JUNE, 1900. [Price Threepence. flí íìafional Ŷemodical Sátfeä by J. HUÖH EDWAftDS. R. E. Hughes, M.A., B.Sc. ^Otlte tttŵ. Characteristics of Childhood. By E. E. Hughes, B.A., B.Sc Ä Maid of Cymru. By"The Dau Wyîtce." Attthor of " 0«e ef the Royal Celts," " D«ÿs i» Sicîly," '* Bavid," $c. Welsh Folk Lore. II. By T. Griffiths Jones. Welsh Literary Echoes and Im- pressions. By Eenest Rhys, The Musical Instruments of Cymru Fu. By Eichaed Williams, F.R.H.S. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ' Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." ^fS CARN ARVON. Printed bv the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, "Express" Office