Vol. VI. No. 65.] MAY, 1900. [Peice Threepence. EdHsd by J, HÜ6H ESW&BD& oo «M ts mmwiWiWiWiwìWiWîmiWìw^MWLWLm M The Late Principal Edwards, D.D. È ;tfttt*ttt». The Relation of Primary to Second- ary Education in Wales. From the Standpoint of a Primary Teacher. By Charles Dodd, F.R.G.S. A Maid of Gymru. Part I. The Sais. By " The Dau Wynne." Welsh Nationality. II. By the Late Sir George Osborne MoRGAN, BART. Ä Tale of the EYe of May. By C. M. Our Welsh Uniyersity Forum. By Professor J. Yotjng Eyans, M.A. Welsh Folk-Lore. By T. Griffith Jones. Welsh Literary Echoes and Im- pressions. By Ernest Ehys. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ' Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." CARN ARVON. Printed bv the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, "Express" Office