o» C5 00 09 S5 fl <p Vol. VI. No. 61.] JANUARŸ, 1900. [Price Threepence. Edtted by J. HÜGH EDWÄRDS. ©JOJlttftttŵ. The Twentieth Century: Its Message to Wales. I. By Rev. Hugh Prioe Hughes, M.A. II. By Professor Astwyd, M.A. InterYÌew with Leading Welshmen. I. BEV. J. M0RGAN GIBB0N, Chairman of the London Congregationul Union. Welsh Politics in 1899. By " Y Ghnrar o Ddyfed." Gofannon ab Don. (THE [SMITH-G0D 0F THE CYMBY.) By 0. M., Cardiff. Great Welshmen of the 19th Gentury. BICHABD B0BEBTS, TIIE WELSH INVENT0B. By J. Ifano Joîtes. The Passing of Mamgu Pali. By "The Dau Wyntíe." Chapter I. Welsh Speaking Judges. By T. E. Eoberts. REY. J. M. GIBB0N. Wales Month by Month. By The Editor. ^pecial Notice.—It is reqnested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, * Ỳoung Wales,' Aberystwyth." CAR N ARVON. .'.:_; Printed bv the Welsh National Press Company, Limited "Express" Office. tf ■8 oa et- 5' 00. OD