Vol. V. No. 60.] DECEMBER, 1899. [Price Threepence. fl íìational Ŷemoâicaì Edited by 3. HDGH EDWARDS. ©otttjeniŵ. Ä Plea for Welsh Particularism. VI. Cymru Fydd. By Robert Owen, Welshpool. The Old Year's Reflections, 1899. Hopes and Fears. By J. H. E., Ne^castle Emlyx. The Sais-Gymro and the Eistedd- fodau. Fi' D. H. Treharne. MAP C~ WALES. c^öS». Hugh Meredith. By Ahthtir J. Phice. i .; s. a> a> GD ►s 09 00. CD Language and Nationality. By T. Darliîígtoít, M.A. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications Jbr the Editor, be addressed—"Editor, ' Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." C A R N A R V O N . Printed bv the Welsh National Press Company, Limíted " Express " Offiep.