.v--.'--. -?-i*&smtmtäi Vol, V. No. 56.2 AUGUST, 1899, Príce Threepence, >> I MíírHí MhY-fí ì"%( i5\ l\ r, I i/ V, r ' * Edited bv I. HüBH EDWARDS. Jtí. m« ;.v rl- -T'c'- èísẅ m | wí fc O 3 >" I © | e î I ì ŵ" ©jOntsntŵ. Welsh Nationality: ìts Future in the Light of its Past. By J. Hugh Edwaiu>3. The Cardiff Nationaì Eísteddfod. By Gwilym Hughes, CaRDIFF. %>%* The íate Bishcp of Bangor. ©onteníír, Theoiogy in the Faculty of Arts. ü. By Prqf. J. Young ; EVAKS, TuUUEOí A. The late T, E. Ellis BY J. EdWARJD Jo>'K:-. LlYElíPOOL. The Daughter of the MîlL A Welsh Idyll. By Anyie Pieroe. Chaî'TEr Y, Sf 3» E» •Tí a. flS ö. î? Ct> CD cc sr ■30. Special Notice,—It is requested that ail communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ' Young Wales,' Aeerystwyth." CARNARVON. Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited "Expressî? Offiça : T^T*'*****»**^ ■ ■ . ■