Vol. V. No. 53.] MAŸ, 1899. [Price Threepence. H ílafional Ŷemoóicaì. Edited by J. HUGH EDWARDS. <£ont*nt». Things Geltic: Some Suggestions. BY "YlbAüWYMB." Samuel W. Jones, Mayor of Toledo, Obio. By H. E. Hughes (Chicago). The Moral of Llan- fachreth. By a Disciple of Maz- zini. Old Eisteddfod Medals. Article III. By Gwilym Htjghes, Cardiff. The Tribute of the Muse. (The Late T. E. Ellis, M.P.) By W. W. Williams, Uniyersity College, Bangor. Mr. THOMAS ELLIS, CYNLAS. Ctftttcnt». St. Dayid's. By "YDdauWymîe." The Daughter of the Mill. A Welsh Idyll. By AîsTíIE Pieece. Chapter III. — Continued. The Connection of OlÌYer Cromwell with Wrexham. By Alpred Neobard Palmer, F.C.S. Our Sunday Note Book By William G-eorge. ifgriculture in North Wales a Century Ägo. By C. Beynee Jones, M.A., A.S.E. (Countg Lec- turer in AgricuUure: Univer- sity College, Bangor'). Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ' Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." CARNARVON. Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited "Express" Office.