Ellis Memorial Number. Vol. V. No. 52.] APRIL, 1899. [Price Threepence. Edited by J. HüGH EDWÄRDS. (Üontentô. TOH ELLIS. SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS by I. W. Llewelyn Williams, M,Ä. II. Älfred Thomas, H.P. III. Isambard Owen, M.D. IY. Albert Spicer, H.P. Y. Dr. Edward Jones. Gollege Reminiscences. By Riehard Jones (Perth- eirin). Our Departed Leader: Tom Ellis. By The Editor. At West- minster. By T. Artemus Jones. Another Plea for Welsh Particularism. By Harry Jones (Editor: "Western Daily Hercurý.") Gwallter Hechain's Trophies. The Corwen Yictory and its Sequel. Article II. By Gwilym Hughes, Cardiff. The Daughter of the Hill. Chapter III. By Annie Pierce. |3? From Drawing] The Departed Leader. [By Mr. Will Morgan, HS. 50 o» a> 53 cr ss «*' SP. CARNARVON. Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited Express" Office.