Vol. V. No. 51.] MARCH, 1899. [Price Threepence. 00 00 03 Hafional PerìodicaL Edtted by J. HÜGH EDWÄRDS. ©tfntentŵ. Ä Fragmënt. By S i r L e w i s Morris. Impressions of a Tour Through Wales. By Albert Spicer, M.P. Ä Plea for Welsh Particularism. II.-—An glicising Dangers. By RoBERr Owen, or Welshpool. "A Tragedy ÄYer- ted." A Short Story. By S. M. S. TheDaughterofthe Mill. Chap. n. By Annie Pierce. The Welsh Water Scheme for London. By John E. Thomas, C.E., Wrexham. The Late Mr. J. 0. J0NES (Ap Ffarmwr). çpontjent»* Old Eisteddfod Medals. GwALLTER MJECHAIN's Trophies---Article I. BY GwiLYM HüGHES, Cardiep. The Memory of St. Dayid. Bt J. Arthür Price, B.A. Musical Nations: The Position of Wales Discussed. By R. Gtould Thorne "Zetus" (Oriel Col- lege, Oxford), Musical Critic of the " Western Maür ToWales. ByC.M. The Lily. (By Ior- werth Glan Aled). By J. Bodvan Anwyl. Humanity. By Abthur J. Price. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ' Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." CARNARVON. Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited "Express" Office.