jaa»MMIil.««MIIMMm ««m.....■■■■m Vol. V, No. 50.] * FEBRÜARY, 1899. 'Price Threepence, tì as oo 60 SZ5 ta ■a ac Edíted by J, HÜ0H EDWÄRDS. Content», The UnÌYersity of Waìes 1; ìn its Relation to the Col- ■ leges, i By W. J. Johnstoîí, M.A. Welsh Rural Sketches. " A Crotchety Olb Matd." Ik S. M. S. The Cìassics of Welsh Llterature. Cyîíddelw Brydydd Mawr (Oonttmied). By Professor Anwyl, M. A. Educational Legislation in Reference to Wales. By W. Lewis, B.A. (ITead 'ast eîìy) Älderman THOMAS WILLIAMS, J.P, \ Master: County School, Llan- (The ^u-Eieetcd rr^devt of ihë lVehh | .7?. A * JSattonal rcderatwn). <£ónte«i«« Our Sunday Note Book, By William Georgs. The Daughter of theMili. Chap. I.—(Coniinmd). By Annie Pierce. " Liberalism in Welsh Costume." By Y Gwra o Ddyfed. Sir William Harcourt's Future. By T. ARTEMirs Joîtbs. John Meredvdd:Ä Welsh IdylL By H. Elwyî; Thomas. Speciäl Notice.—It is requested that alì cûmmunications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ' Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." i? "o BS 3* |9 öft, CARNARVON. Printed by the Welsh Nationaî Pres.s Company, Lirnited "Express" Office.