SPECIÂL MESSÄGE FROM SIR WILLIAM MRGOÖRT'TO "YOUNG WÄLES." Vol. V. No. 49.1/ JANUARY, 1899. [Price Threepence. fl Hafional Ŷemodical. Edited by J. HüGH EDWARDS. (ftjcmtjetttŵ* ©awtctttŵ. The Pan-Celtic Idea. By E. E. Foueniee L'Albe, B.Sc. (" Negesydd o'r irnys Werdd"), Éon. Sec. Irüh Committee of the Pan- Celtic Congress. A Plea for Welsh Par- ticularism. I. The Old "Wales. By Bobert Owen, Welsh- pool. John Meredydd: A Welsh Idyll. By H. Elwyn Thomas. Wales in 1898. By Y Gwyn o Ddyfed. Wanted — A Cle ar Liberal Lead. By W. Llewelyn- Wil- LIAMS. Special Message from Sir William Harcourt to "Young Wales." __ Daughter of the Mill. BY AnKIE PlERCE. Notable E y e n t s in Welsh History. FromPhot0> 0,^ [EUiot $ Fry,London. . Wales, Month by I. Atjgustine's Oak. __-■ Mnnth T} -o x, Rt. Hon. Sir W. Y. HÄRCOURT, M.P. nonin' By Professor Edward "" ' Edwards, M.A. By The Editor. Special Notice—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ' Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." CARNARVON. Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited "Express" Office.