....... .......... : .■. . ...... . .: :"'..S 'W-'-'ỳ. ^: :SSẅ tM)-.jM))'-- -: ■ ' ■■ -'"3. ;| Vol. IV. No. 47,] NOYEMBER, 1898. [Peice Theeepence. oa 125 S3 "o The Natîonal Churoh of Celüc ; France. B y J.  m r h u jì Pmöb, B.A. ' ■ hìîe aná Love. ByAETHml. Pbioe. & Siient Re- Yolution. By Alt?» Maboh. Tae lirolution of the Welsh Drama. By E. D e b r y | EtYAÎîS. ■ j Autumn Leaires. By B, A. GûIFFTTH, " Commerciaî Edu- cation om the Gon- tinent. By E. E. Htíghes, M.A., B.Sc, Jesus Colloge, Oxford. PB1»€IP!IL T. CHÄRLES EDWIRDS, D.D., BÄLÄ, C<m:i£ttiŵ. The Welsh Coa! Traáe Dispute By Richaetj Bo- I BEJtTS. The Wslsh üni yersity Forum, By PROFìifisoii J. :Yotí2í'a Evass, M.A. îhe Head of Bran. From JBrcmwm the Bmtghter of Lhjr. ìîy./OBrìryiîb Mobüs. Chrísiian lâtera- ture, ìts Funetion and . Task in. ■ tna Present Day. V. Bv Piíoítsssoü K. ÿimrazxER, Ph.D. The Ẅ~edding Bing, (Islwyn). B? T. M. Eebs Special Notîce.—It is reqnested that all communications for the Editor, be adetressed—" Editor, ' Yoüng Wales,' Aberystwyth." CARNARYON. by the Welsh National Press Cómpany, Limited "Expressrt Office.