..,':■..:.■'.. ■■■■■ :>;;-" .'; V0L. IV. No. 46.] OCTOBER, 1898. [Price Threepence. Edited by Js HÜGH SDWÄRDS, (ífrcmtent*. Technical Education in Wales. II. By L. J. Robeets, M.A., Exeter College, Oxford. Ä Strange Ädyenture. By D. Haeeis Lewis. " Other Systems than Ours." An Jeeount of some Foreign Systems of Natimal Education, III. By E. E. Hughes, M.A., B.Sa, Jesus College, Oxford. Our Sunday Note Book. The Ethics of Local Ùption. By WlLUAM G-EOEGE. MR. THOMÄS GEE. <£xmtje*ltẅ. Thomas Gee. A Teibute. I. By Thomas Ellis, M.P. II. By Llewelyst Wil- LIAM8, M.A. Modern Languages in; County Schools. By JoHN E. SOUTHALL. j The Welsh - Druidic (Banchoreion) üniyersity. j II. ] By Two " Banchoeeion " j Geaduates. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—-" Editor, < Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." Äll Orders, Payments, ÄdYertisements, &c, to be sent to Publishers, " YOUNG WALES," CarnarYon. CARNARVON. Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited "Express" Ofiìce. S1 g* s* 1 p> . OU 'B O*' G> OS e*- a> e*-.- S9