Voi, IV. No. 44.] AUGUST, 1898. [Price Threepence. S3 100 u - t- Oì 00 "o na 53 ff) I « ì ê! loíiona! Fe Edlted by J. HUGH BDWIRBS. Manual Instruction in Wales. By William Lewis, B. A. {Headmaster of the Llanelly Intermediate School, and Author of a Report to the Court of the Wehh Uni- versity on Mmruaì fnstruc- tion in French and Siciss Schooh. Hillside Lyrie. By Peueduil Christian Literature, Its Function and Task in the Present Day. By PllOFESSOR. K. Lentüner, Ph.D. Trayelling in Taffy- land. Ä A WelsìT Yiew of Politics. By W. Llewelyn- WILLIAMS, M.A. ELFYN (The Festíniog Chaired Bard). (£,0titent&, Our Sunday Note Book. By WlLLIAM GrEORGE. The Ägricultural LaboureT in Wales. By D. Llelfer Thomas» {líde A/si&tant CommiS' sioner io the Boyal Com- tnùsicn on labtur and Seet etary to (he Wehh \ Lond Commisshn.) " Other Systems thant Ours." | An Accûlîît of Somej FoBEIGN SySTEMS OF Nâ- | TIOÄAL ElüCATIOJST. i ByB.E.HtJGHEs,M.áJ[ B.Sc, Jesus College, Ch> f ford. Faithful unto Death. (A Talé of the New- ClíAlìTISTS.) By Ehys Ehyddeech. \ Special Notice.—ìt is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ' Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." All Orders, Payments, Ádyertisenients, &c, to be sent to Publishers, "YOuTîG WALES," Carnaryon. C A R N A R V O N . Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, Express " Office. er a> Sí .3 ö- a> a* S» Cu *< U* ít> BD a> a> s> ÍD CFO, S?