■(■■■■ GLÄDSTONE MEMORIÄL NÜMBER:—Special Gontributions by Thomas ElKs, M.P., ______D. Lloyd-George, M.P., Rev. T. Eynon Davies, and T. Artemus Jones. Vol. IV. No. 42.] JUNE, 1898. [Price Threepence. er\. . Eáim fej J» HOSH SDWJLHög, ©«mtentŵ. í William Ewart Gladstone. i [a tribüte.] By Tiomas E. ìEllis, M.P. Parliament's Tribute. "\ By T. AnrEMTJS j JOSTES. j The County i School Circle. By J. T e e v o n ;Owen, M.A. | Beyond Offa's ;Dyke. I By T. Eynon I Davies. I " Scientific and Technical Educa- jtion in Wales." î By R. E. Hughes, !M.A.t B.Sc. W. I. GLADSTONE. Cíoníottŵ. Welsh Literary Notes. By J. H. Dayies, B.A. Reminiscences of Mr. Gladstone. _-, By D. Lioyd Geoege, M.P. The Fascinations I of CoínparatÌYe Philology. By W. T. G. L. In Memoriam : ' W. E. G. By Lestee Mills. ; The Marriage of Mr.T.E.EUis,M.P. " Faithful unto Death." By Rhys Ehydd- EECII. Special Notice,—It is reqaested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ' Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." AU Orders, Payments, Advertisements, &c, to be sent to Pabüshers, "YOOTtë WALES," Caraarvon. CARNARVON. Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, "Express" Offîce.