Lewis Mobbis, speaking recently at Carnarron, declared:— YOÜNG WALES contains ________________HË^J?!^11? of the best English perodicals. Vol. IV. No. 41.] MAY, 1898. [Price Threepence. nä Sî Edîtod by J. HüGH ED]g£KDe. ©crniruts. "Scientific and Tech- nical Education in Iẃales." By B. E. Hughes, M.A., B.Sc, The Memories of (Youth. (Adŷoýon Mehyd, hy Guoiìym Jffiraeíhog. By J. Bodfan Anwyl, The Future of Our Welsh Theological Colleges. By Päofessor E. W. Phtllips, M.A., B.Sc. Our Welsh UnÎYersity Forum. By PltOFESSOR J. YoUNG Eyans. PROF. J. YOÜNG EYANS, M.l. ©ontent». The Maid of Esgairwen. By T. G. Progress. By Ceinydd Mobus — (Kenneth Venmor Morbis). Patriotism and the Women of Cymru. By "ün o'b Ddau Wynne." Young Wales in the Intermediate School. By J. E. Southall. Ämong the Welsh Members. Land and Education. By T. Aetemus Jones. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, ' Young Wales,' AberysTwyth." AJl Orders, Payments, Advertisements, &c„ to be sent to Publishers, "YOuTÍG WALES," Carnarvon. CARNARVON. Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, "Express" Office. cr ee et- ■■*% a> CD