IN FUTURE, THIS MÄGÄZINE WILL BE ISSÜED ON THE FIRST oi EäcÎTmONTH. Vol. IV. No. 40.] APEIL. 1898. [Price Threepence. Edited by J. HÜGH RDWÂRDS, ___I The Fascinations of Comparatiye Philology. By W. T. G. L. Taffy's Im* pressions of Sandy as an Ecclesíastic. ! By Eev. T. Eynon | Daytes. The Welsh Inter- mediate Schools Circle. By J. Trevor Owen, M. A. (Headmaster, Couiity Sohool, Car- uarron.) "Stones from Babylon." II.—" A Dattghter op Eebeoca." By Teddy Bach. Welsh Land Re- form. * By ElCHARD JoNES (Member of the Welsh Land Commission.) *>S. M. S." <£xmietti», Onr SundayNote Book. By William George. The Night of Welsh History. By Ernest Ehys. Christian Litera- ture, its Function and Task in the Present Day. By Proeessor K. Leîîtz]ster,Ph.D. Among the Welsh Members. HOME ElTLE ALL BoUND. By T. Artemtts Jones. Howell's Song to Myfanwy. (Cân I Hywel i Myfanwy). \ By Professor J. I Young Evans, M.A. ! " Faithful unto | Death." By Ehys Ehydd- 1 ERCH. s. e> Oî 00 3» ,1 îcro. í 05 ■L= CARNARVON: Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, "Express" Office.