Welsh Journals

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eô SS •oo 00 S-i 05 wj «t-i ss CQ IP^TüREJTgl^^ BE ISSÜED 0N THE FlM"0FEACH M0NTH. Vol. IV. No. 39.] MARCH, 1898. [PliLCE THREEPENCE. Edited by J. HÜGH EDWÄRDS. «M»fe& jBDimieniŵ* Äs to some Con- ! Yentions. ! By 0wex Rhoscomyl. The Classics of I Welsh Literature. Y Gr0GY3vTEIEDD — Cyinddelw Brydydd Mawr. By Peofessoe Anwyl, M.A. Llywelyn'sGraYe. By Espekanza, Impressions of the Welsh ConYen- tion. ByALBEBT Spicer, M.P. immìmÿjCëi. ü^Ä "mMmSmmmÊmÌËMÌ. &§&£ Cîontentẅ. " Faithful unto Death." A Tale oî the Netyport Ohartists. By Ehys Rhydd- ERCH. Persons and Politics. . By Y Gwyn o Ddyfed. ÄmongtheWelsh Members. Opeîting t h e Session. By T. Artemtís JoNES. MR, ÄLBERT SPICER, M.P. 05 tí o- a> .8. ti i—■• I *-■ cr a> ì co 1 **" s *» í 5? 1 ° If 'a i E CARNARVON: ' Prínted by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited. "Express" Office.