IN FÜTÜRE, THIS MAGÄZINE WILL BE ISSÜED ON THE FIRSf OF EACH MONTH. Voh. IV. No. 38.] FEBRUARY, 1898. [Price Threepence. lâütá hj S, HÜÛH EBWIBDS, Címtents, Currente Calamo, .By Y Gvyn o DDYFED. The History and Growth of Welsh Fiction, (Seeond Artiele). fíy M. H. Jomes, TT.O.W. Welsh Literary Notes. By J. H. Dayies, B.A. The Welsh Col- leges and the Aca- demic Ideal. By W. J. Johx- STON, M.A. The French In- Yasion of Fishguard in 1797. Ẃẁî/ Ctfntettt». Ä Prayer. (Cdn Gwenfron by Dafycld Ionawr.) B y J. B o d v a n Anwyl. Education in Wales: its True Import. By E. D. Jones, M.A. "Tales from Babylon." I. "A Teamp HoME." By "TeddyBach." «Faithful unto Death." A Tale op THE Newpoht Chaetists. By Ehys Riíydd- ERCH. SIR LEWJS MORTSIS. cr ct> I ^ 1 p í s co a> ss co et- 09 *—• SS ' oo. 0» Special be Notice—ît is requested that all communications for the Editor, í addressed—-"Editor, 'Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." AU2 Orders, Payments, Advertisements, ftc, to be scnt to Publishers, "Y0T7NG WAI«1S," Carnarvon. C A R N A R V O N : Printed by the Welsh National Press Ccmpany, Limited. "Express" Office.