IH FÜTURE, THIS MÄGÄZINE WILL BE ISSÜED ON THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH. Tol. IV. No. 37.] JANUARY, 1898. [Price Threepence. Edited by J. HÜGH EDWARDS. ©<mt£utŵ. The Cymric Ele- ment in the English People. (Second Article). By T. Darliîtgton, M.A., H.M.I. Wales in 1897. By Y Gwyn o Ddyeed. Welsh Rural Sketches. VI. Dan's Weddistg Day. By S. M. S. Our Sunday Note Book. By WlLMAM Gl ORGE. (Kŵ«t«ttt0. The History and Growth of Welsh Fiction. By M. H. Jones, U.O.W. Parliamentary Impressions and a Moral. By AnTEMrs Joxes. Elementary Schools in Wales. I. Their Teachi>-g Po^ER. By Waiter Broce- htgtoit, B.A. THE LATE SIB HUGH OWEN. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—"Editor, 'Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." All Orders, Payments, Advertisements, &c, to be scnt to Publishers, "YOTJNO WALES," Caraarvon. CARNARVON: Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited. "Express" Office.