IH FÜTORE, THIS MAGAZINE WILL BEJSSÜED ON THE FIRST OP EACH MONTH. Vol. III. No. 36.] DECEMBER, 1897. The Ägricultural Industry of Wales. By J. E. Thomas, C.E. AforgottenWelsh NoYel. By Owen Eoystojt. The Deyelopment of Picturesque Wales. Ají LsrTERVIEW WITH THE GeNERAL MaN- ager op the cambrian Baelways. YICE-CHANCELLOR ROBERTS. Special Notice—It is requested that all communications for the^ Editor, be addressed—"Editor, 'Young Wales,' Aberystwyth. All Orders, Payments, Advertisements, &c, to be scnt to Publishers, "YOUNG WALES," Carnarvon. CARNARVON: Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited. "Express" Othce.