IN FÜTURE, THIS MAGAZINE WILL BE ISSUED ON THE FIRST OF EÄCH MONTH. Tol. III. No. 35.] NOYEMBER, 1897. Edited by J. HUGH EDWARDS, <£jcmt£«t#. Wales andthe Welsh. r B y D a v i d D a v i e s [Ebitoe of the "Soüth Wa-les Datly Post.'H Welsh Rural Sketches. V. A Wolf in Sheep's Clothiwg. By S. M. S. "Faithful unto Death." By Ehys Rhyddeboh. Currente Calamo. By Y Gwyn o Ddyeed. ^àmj^BÌ Sammel Moss, M.P. Ûtontimtŵ. Industries of Wales during the Q u e e n' s Reign. III. By J. E. Thomas, C.E'. Current Welsh Litera- ture. By J. II. Dayies, B.A Our Sunday Note Book, By William George. Äround the Editor's Chair. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the^ Editor, be addressed—"Editor, 'Young Wales,' Aberystwyth. All Orders, Payments, Advertisements, &c, to be sont to [Publishers, "YOUNG WALES," Carnarvon. C A R N A R V O N : Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited. "Express" Omce.