Vol. III. No's. 31, 32.] AÜGUST, 1897. [Price Sixpence. Edited by J. HUGH EDWARDS. THE PROGRESS OF WALES DURING THE QUEEN's REIGN Celebpafion fìumbep. @ONJPBNÍPS. Sixty Years of Educational Progress in Wales. By Prixcipal T. F. Roberts, M.A. The Laws and Enactments of the Queen's Reign in reference to Wales. By D. Lleufer ThöMAS, ;; : ' • — Sixty Years of Welsh Politics. By Llewelyn Williams. The Yictorian Era. What has it done for Wales? By The Rigiit Hoä, Sir Georoe OsBORNE MORGAN, BART, M.P., í \ - Welsh Literature of the Yíctorian Period. By Charles Ashtos. The Yictorian Era:.Its Message to Wales I; By.the Bev. Huge Price Hugiies, M.A II. By Professor E. Anwyl, M.A. Great Welsh Poets of the Yictorian Era. By the Rev. H. Elyet Lewis. The Temperance Moyement in Wales during the Queen's Reign. By William Oteorgi, The Welsh Pulpit during the Yictorian Era. By the Réy. J. Pulesto* Joses, M.A Commercial Progress in Wates. Ä Sixty Years' Yiew. By Major Joneb [Edrtor of Im* Shippeîg WoRLr»."] (in The Journalism of Wales during the Ỳictorian Era. By Dayid Davies L»r - < - Wales Daily Post."] „„ _, TT tp^avû The Rise of the Police Force in the Welsh Counties, 1837-1897. By Howell E, *s, The Chief Constable of the Cardiganshire Constabulary. Special NoTlCE.-Iti$ requested that.all communicátio.ns foi* tte Editor, be addressed-^-EDiTOR,' 'Young; WAles,', Aberystwyth., . T"'~.......~,~ cun +n v»p sent to Puölishers, All Orders, Payrnents, Avertisenients, «c, ^o u« «YOTJNG WALES," Carnarvon. CARNARVON: ^ _____ Printed by the Welsh Nationaj.JPressi^Compa^J^miited^^ Express" Ofíìce»