Vol III. No. 30.] JUNE, 1897. Price Threepence. Edited by J. HÜGH EDWARDS, ©jcmtentŵ. The Classics of Welsh Literature. III. The Mab- INOGION IN THEIR LlTERARY AsPECTS By Prof. Anwyl, M.A. Thoughts from Mazzini. The Spirit of Welsh Prophecy. By D. Samuel, M.A. The Study of Modern European Languages. By K. Lentzner, Ph.D. (íîontcntö. The Pioneers of Nationalities. 1. joseph maz- zini. By the Editor. Among the Welsh Members. The Land Bill Debate. Bv Artemos 'jONES. TheCompanyof St. George. By F \Y Moor man B.A., PhD Our Sunday Note- Book. By William George. JOSEPH MAZZINI. Special NoTiCE.-It is requested that all communications for the, Editor, be addressed-"EDiTOR, 'Young Wales, Abbr\st*ith. AU Orders, ^Y^^^^^l^Jo^ %° *****"* CARNARVON: Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Lim.ted^ ^press Office.