"Cymru and Gael:" Special Article by Mr. William O'Brien. Pa<*e 73. Ccmtentö. Cymru and Gael. The French Landing in By Wiixiam o'beiek. zmím®imm®mmzmmmm Pembrokeshìre>1797- The Welsh Romance. §8j \ By E. H. | Dedication of a Book of ì Welsh Ballads. By Ernest Ehys. 'k Our Sunday Note-Book. m By William Gteohge. h The Classics of Welsh | Literature. II. Tiie Mab- « By Gr. G. Jones, B.A. 1 - $ The Dawn. (Mwyn.) Û By J. Bodyan Anwyl. ^ The Women of Wales' | Circle. | Edited by Mr.s. 8. M. Ä § Saundeus. 1 A Welsh College Tale. Kj By " Ghacie ap Ehys." INOGION. | Mr. Ellis Jones-Griffith, M.P. | Month by Month. ByPnoF. Axwyl, M.A. |;3g3g§o^çgggg^[^^^^^* The Welsh Obstruction- ists. By AllTEMUS JösrEs. L i s t o f Intermediate Schools in Wales. By L. J. Eobert8, M.A., H.M.I., Ehyl. Special be Notice.—It is reauested that all communications for the Editor, ì addressed—"-Eöitor, 'Young Wales,' Aberystwyth. All Orders, Payments, Avertisements, &c, to be scnt to Pablishers, "YOTJNG WALES," Carnarvon. CARNARVON: Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, "Express umce.