1-^0 tì tf. frw^ Z $ &^J<£ í^u^t Vol. III. No. 27.] MARCH, 1897. [Price Threepence. <A.m.v. i-i% \ .w fí fìafional Pei:iodicai. Edited by J. HUGH EDWARDS, ©jontjentŵ. The Capital of Wales? By Owen Rnos- COMYL. Welsh Rural Sketches. II. "Nakcy ox tiie Wabpath." By S. M. 8. The Welsh Romance. Ciiap. I. By E. H. (ftcntsnt&. Leaders of Thcught & Action in Wales. II. Peo- FES80U Edwaed Anwyl, M.A. P e n rhyn in Farliament. £ B y A it t f. m c s JoNES. Welsh Educa- tional Notes. ]'y L. J. Robebts, M?A., H.M.I., Ehy], , Wales: Month bÿ"Month. PROFESSOR ANWYL, M.A. Special N0TICE.-It is requested that all communicatiomsfo.: the, Editor, V,„ „^^~c=»H_»Rn1TOK. 'YOÜNG WALES, ABER\STWYTH. be addressed—" Editor, AU Order., í.yment., Avertisements, *c, to pe scnt to Puolishers, ' ' ,,^«tt-nt«. tj/at.f.S" Carnarvon. '•YOUNG WALES," Carnarvon C A R N A R V O N : Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, "Express Office. ■jMSMmìúti&h