Völ. III. No. 26.] FEBRUATIY, 1897. Price Threepence. íO ns c3 43 co S3 ; >> co CS OO '«n Ci-í <x> js *o Cí H íìaíionaí Pemodical. Edited by J. HUGH EDWARDS. The Classics of Welsh Literature. 1W P 11 0 F E S S 0 11 "Anwyl, M.A. The Courtship of Edward & Nancy. Bv S. M. S. Progress of Women in Wales. Edited by Mj:s. Wyxeo ed Pi ltlipps AND MlSS ELSBETH PlIILIPPS. Our Round Table Conference. Special Coníríbu- tions by tlie Eigiit Hox. H. H. ÀsauiTii, Q.C., M.P.; Mn. E. B. Haldatíe, M.P.; and Me. 'Timothy Healy, M.P. DR. EDWARD JONES, J.P. ffiontcnt». Leaders of Thought & Action in Wales. í. Dr. Edward Jones.J.P. Our Welsh Uni- yersity Forum, Ev BliOFESSOlt E Ym;'x:; KVAXS, M.A. 0 u r S u n d a y I Note-Book. j'.y WlLLl A M Geohge. The Chief In- spectorship of Schools in Wales. Important Com- miniieation from Mu. BALruL'ì:. Notes on Current Welsh Literature. Bv J. H. Dayies, B.A. Special ~7~7 -f.i tlv,t nll rommunications for the Editor, NOTICE.-It is irequested tha . aü comm h/, 2 addressed—"Editor, '\ol^g \\ ales, be addressed ----- '"'' \.....~ , ŵ_ to be sent to Publishers, Frinted by the Welsh Nationtl^ W." Un^Express ^ce. >-3 Cö »< K3 a, as 03 co co Oî JS cr ct> O-i CT P- Cfi cr ►-»• ►< cr> ö> Cfo. tn