^ SPÉCÍÄL ARTICLE BY MR. LLOYD-GEORGE, M.P. See Page 11. ^ [Price Threepence. j Vol. III. No. 25.] JANUARY, 1897. •1-4 ! fc íìafionaf PcfìoUìcoL Edited by J. HüGH EDY/ÄRDS. 1. CD •s co Cî co d?nt:ent&. The place of National Self-GoYernment in the next LiberalProgramme. By D. Lloyd-G-eorge, M.P. Ät a Priyate Yiew. By T. Artemus Jontes. The Welsh UnÌYersity iin Use. By Professor Brougii, ;ll.b Progress of Women in 'Wales. Edited by Mrs. Wyn- JFORD PHILIPPS AìíD MlSS JElsbeth Philipps. Cjontcnt». Our Sunday Note- Book. By William George. Taflfy's IMPRESSIONS of Sandy. By T. Eynon Dayies. The Tongue of Cymric Story. By E. A. Gripeith. Welsh Education Notes. By L. J. Eobeets M.A., H.M.I. THE LATE DR. E. HERBER EYÄNS. Wales: Month by Month. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—" Editor, 'Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." AU Orders, Payments, Avertisements, &c, to be sent to Publishers, "YOTJNG WALES," Carnarvon. CARNARYON: Printed by the Welsh Nationai Press' Company, Limìted, "Express" Office.