"xäb-TnRttH LA«D gUESTHW " by Mr. D. BRYWMOR JONEB, Ç.U., M.t% See Page 277. Xi co "3 (D 0Q »J JhFFJ^h Vol. II. No. 24.] DECEMBER, 1896. / [Price Threepence fí íìafionaí Ŷemoáioa, Edited by J. HÜGH EDWÄRDS <&<mtimtŵ. The Welsh Land Çuestion. By D. Brynmoe Jones, Q.C., M.P. ( With full page portraü.) Concerning the | "Machinery." By Owen Rhoscomyl. Än EYening with Mr. W, Edwards Tirebuck. Öy T. Aetemus Jones. dmtentft* Ä Welsh College Tale. Chap. lll. By GlìAC'TE AF îtffTía Prog^ess of Women in Wales. By Mes. Wystford Philipps anp Miss Elsbeth Philipps. The Cali of Caradoc. By E. H. Haeris. D. BRYNM0R J0NES, Q.C, M.P. Special Notice.—It is re^uestec1 that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—"Editor, 'Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." All Orders, Payments, Avertiseiients, &c, to be sent to Fublishers, "YOTTNG WALES," Carnarvon. CARNARYON: Printed by the Welsh National Presi Company, Limited, "Express" Office.