Vol. II. No. 20.] AUGUST, 1896. [Price Threepence. fl íìafional Ŷemòdical. I?>Ç6 Edited by J. HÜGH EDWÄRDS. ©ortti?ntô. The Moral Importance 0} Retaining onr Welsh Language. By Rev. Idrisyn Jones. The Early Inhabitants of Britain. By A. W. B. Everitt, M.A. Cambria. (A Trans- lation of "Cymru" by Islwyn). By J. Bodvan A nwyl. Through Welsh Spectac les . By W. Llewelyn Williams. Mr. LLOYD-GEORGE. (Ät the age of 18.) <&0çfent&. Jí The Wizard of Our p Back Yard. (A Short m Tale). By T. Artemus §<-Jones. 1 __ Mr. D. Lloyd-George, ŵ M.P., as the Apostle of fe Welsh Nationalism. By m' John Jones, Senior. jgj Our Sunday Note- | Book. By William George, Ä^^^^^^W^^^^^^k j| Welsh Notes. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—"Editor, 'Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." All Orders, Payments, Advertisements, &c, to be sent to Publisners, "YOUNG WALES," Carnarvon. CARNARVON: Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, "Express" Office.