Parliamentary Reminiscences. By Sir G. Osborne Morgan, M.P.—Page 159. Ÿol. II. No. 19.] JULY, 1896. [Price Threepence. Edited by J. HUGH EDWÄRDS. <&&t\tent&. Twenty Eight Years in the House. of Com- mons. By Sir G. Osborne Morgan, M.P. Wales anä Her Pre~ sent Duty. By H. R. Reichel,M.A. A History of Welsh Education. By Pro- fessor Edwards, M.A. Through Welsh Spectacles. B y W. Llewelyn Williams. <&0t\tent&. The A lexandra Hall of Residence (with Portrait of the Lady- Principal). By Miss M. S. Freeman. The Progress of Women in Wales. By Mrs. Wynford Philipps and Miss Elsbeth Philipps. Our U*niversity Celebration Nmnber. SIR 6. OSBORNE MOEGAN, Barí., M.P. Special Notice.—It is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—"Editor, 'Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." We are indehted to Mr. Qivenlyn Evans of Car^naryon for hìnd permission to reproduce the portrait-llock of the Prìncess of Wales, and to Messrs. Woodáll, Minshall & Co., of Osivestry, for that of Sir G. Osoorne Morgan, M.P. CARNARVON: Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, "Express" Office. Frontispiece Portrait of the Princess of Wales.