^ELSH UNIYERSITY CELEBRÀTION NUMBER.] [PRICE SIXPENCE. * & ||"'€)£*■ %t0-£tx\ f)tcii;txcŵsr tljc iprinccös of |£t<?j.e£ tjftŵ rtrrtctottŵtn ccm^cntcfr tcr acccpf it co4>i| ot ti>*s-. tjtmtbcr» il -,= ^fi&b- (íîcmtcntö. ÄN ODE, Specially Con- tributed by SIR LEWIS MORRIS. SPECIÀL CON- TRIBUTIONS by Lord Rendel, D r. Isambard Owen, Principal Yiriamu Jones, Thomas Ellis, M.P., Principal Roberts^ Prin- cipal Edwards, D.D., W. Lle- welyn Williams, Miss E. P. Hughes, Prof. J. Young Eyans. fí íìafional Perìodical Edited by J. HUGH EDWÄRDS. •#fe- ■JiJcrrtraite. H.R.H. The PrinceofWales, Lord Rendel, Sir Lewis Mor- ris, Dr. Isam- bard Owen, Ä. C. Humphreys- 0 wen, M .P., Principals J, Yiriamu Jones, T. F. Roberts, H. R. Reichel, T. C. Edwards, D.D., J. Rhys; 0. M. Edwards, Äld. G roye, the late Lord Aberdare, the 1 a t e Sir Hugh Owen, MissE.P. Hughes, Prof. J. Young Eyans, Thomas E. Ellis, M . P ., I y o r James, the late Dr. Humpidge, Prof, Ängus, T. MortimerGreen; The Senate. H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. (CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIYERSITY OF WALES.) -%$^ CARNARYON: Printed by ths Wrfsh National Press Company, Lìmiteâ.