Vol. II. No. 15." MARCH, 1896. [Price Threepence. ©rnttent», The Conditions of National Pro- gress. II. With Reference toWales. By Rev. Richard Hughes, B.A. Nationalism i n Scotland. By James Wilson, M.A.,B.Sc. Beyond Offa's Dyke. By T. Eynon Davies. The Popular A dult Schools of D enm ark. By Professor D. Mor- gan Lewis, M.A. Through Welsh Spectacles. By Llewelyn Wil- liams, B.A. Jyft? PRINCIPÄL J. YIRIAMU JONES, M.Ä., F^R.S ©ontent», Leading Young Welshmen. — VI. Principal Viriamu Jones — Character Sketch, with Por- trait. By J. G. Davies, M.A. Progress of Women in Wales. By Mrs. Wynford Philipps and Miss Ehbeth Philipps. Our Sunday Note-Book. By William George. The Welsh Uni- versity Forum. By ProfessorJ. Yonng Evans, M.A. T h e Int er- m ediate Schools Circle. Conducted by T. W. Phillips, B.A. Special Notice.—It'is requested that all communications for the Editor, be addressed—"Editor, 'Young Wales,' Aberystwyth." All Orders, Payments, Advertisements, &c, to be sent to Publishers, "YOUNG WALES," Carnarvon. CARNARYON: Printed by the Welsh National Press Company, Limited, í£Express" Officc £=: