Published on the I5th of each nríonth. NOYEMBER, 1895. [Vol. I. No. 11.] Price Threepence. A MoNTHLÝ MäGAZINE CONTENTS. The Thoughts of a Wayfaring Man. By Prof. J. Young Evans, M. A. —:o:— The Eomans and Wales. By G. G. Jones, B.A. Women Students in Wales. By the Hon. E. F. Bruce V —:o:— Daniel Owen. DANIEL OWEN. CONTENTS. 0 Fon i Fynwy- By Llewelyn Williams. Islwyn- By John M. HowelL 1868. A tale of Eẁctìón and Emigratìon. Nationalism—Its Limitations. By T. Mortimer Green. ** Our next Number ;wîu be readj on December 15th, and will contain several attràçtive features. All communications to be addressed to Editor, ■" Young Wales," Aberystwyth. Aberystwyth : J. and J. Gibson, " Cambrian News " Offiçjè^ ________._________________,__________:______e___:_____£_£