/' PJiîHlîÌESdlon-thŵ 45th_o£jÊaÌb monttí. JJf- QaAẂ. August, 1895. [Vol. I. No. 8.] Price Threepence. A MonthlV Maöazine CONTENTS. The National Awakening in Wales in its rela- tion to Education. The Obligations of "YoungWales"to "Old Methodism." The Teaohing of Welsh in Schools. Gleanings from thí Study. * * CONTENTS. Leading Young Welshmen: Mr 0. M, Edwards. 0 Fon i Fynwy. Thoughts from Mazzini. A Plea for e Eeferendum. U. é \* Our next Number will be ready on September 15th. All communications to be addressed to Editor, " Young "Wales," Aberystwyth. Aberystwyth : J. and J. Gibson, " Cambrian News " Office.