Publíshed on the I5th of each month. Jüne, 1895. [Vol. I. No. 6.] Price Threepenge. A MoNTHLÝ MäGAZINE CONTENTS. » ' ' ' ÿ--; ::: f:\^.:'-^:'- English Laws in Wales. ẁî. '' ' '. - ,• -;- -. ,- • :. Intenriew with Mr. ^ ^ Ernést Ehys. —:o:— 0 Fon i Fynwy. Gleanings írom the Study. a^^pHWWT^M" *S« Notes a,niì öomments. Mr. THOMAS GEE. CONTENTS. TheGrandÖldMan of Wales. Welsh Nationalism Viewed from America. An Education Department for * Wales, 'Across S. G-othard, The Wanderer. %* Our next Number will be ready on July 15th, and will contain several newand attractive features. Aberystwyth : J. and J. Gibson, " Cambrian News " Office.