Published on the I5th of each month. April, 1895. [Vol. I. No. 4.] Price Threepence. rzn Y7 A MoNTHLÝ MäGAZINE * * CONTENTS. Denorninationalisni in Wales. Eminent Welsh Lawyers. CONTENTÖ. An Education Departnient for Wales. G-leanings from the Study. Principal ROBERTS. Wüh Chamcter Sl-etch. V Our Next Number will be ready on May 15th. It will contain an important Article upon " The National Awahening in Wales in its relation to the Welsh Language," by D. Samuel, M.â.; an Article on *'The Dangers of the Working Olasses," by J, M. Howell; a Portrait of the Eev. J. A, Jenkins; B.A., and other attractive features. -ii