AN IRREGULAR JOURNAL. Vol. II. SOBRAON, SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 1882. No. 4. Bubbles round the keel show the vessel moves.—Mrs. Bkownino. FAREWELL ADDRESS. It is our duty with this, our last number, to cast a backward glance at the existence of our paper, which we trust has given fair satisfaction all round. We have striven throughout to steer clear of the personal element; and the fact that no complaint was lodged with the Captain, nor even with the Editor, speaks for our effort in that direction. It is true our pages in consequence are rather dull, and lack altogether what is called " spice." Still we had the satisfaction to see the most confirmed sleepers rub their eyes, and don their " specs," to read our numbers through. The Editor takes this opportunity to thank, first and foremost, Mr. Wills, not only for the sketches, which have done so much to enliven and add interest to the H. B., but also for his readiness to advise or co-operate in whatever was proposed. The Editor wishes further to thank his friend, Mr. Burton, as well as Messrs. Neely and Stephenson, for their valuable contributions and their never-failing support. Messrs. Bartholomew and Armitage also deserve thanks for the tasteful manner in which they transcribed the articles on uniform sheets. . It becomes us also to record our gratitude to Mrs. Wills for presiding at the piano in our concerts and on other occasions. It was always a pleasure even to watch the nimble movements of her fingers on the keys, apart from the spirit and execution of her rendering. Nothing annoys us so much as rheumatic fingers attempting classical music every day, but never even by chance catching the spirit of the piece. One wishes such persons would have enough self-knowledge to retire into solitude for their practice. The doings of our Cricket Club, Debating, Dramatic, and Musical Societies, are duly recorded elsewhere, but not so the meetings of the Mutual Admiration Society, which met to read Shakespeare's plays, and ended in platonic love on the part of the two prime movers. The comfort of the passengers depends practically on the mood of the first officer and chief steward, and we record with pleasure the unanimous opinion that their mood was uniformly amiable and obliging. We hope to hear that Mr. Northey will speedily meet with promotion worthy of his merits. ii