AN IRREGULAR JOURNAL. Vol. I. SOBEAON, MONDAY, MARCH 20th, 1882. No. 4. Bubbles round tbe keel show the vessel moves. —Mrs. Browning. ENGLAND'S WINTER HOME FOR INVALIDS. The article on " Davos " has suggested to me the desirability of giving a few particulars of -Bournemouth, a favourite resort for invalids at home. Bournemouth is protected on the East by the Isle of Wight, a good view of which, " Needles and all," can be obtained on a clear day, and on the West by the Isle of Purbeck, while land-ward the extensive pine forests protect it from any and every blast we may wish to avoid. Forty years ago Bournemouth was comparatively unknown when, some benevolent land-owner planted pines in great quantities, since which time they have grown to such an extent that they have done much towards drying the atmosphere. The climate of Bournemouth is, as a rule, dry and sunnjr, and even in winter driving in an open carriage is safe for invalids. Fogs there are none, but an occasional mist rises from the Bourne. On either bank of this river, and extending considerably inward, are pleasure grounds, in which the " Invalid's Walk " is much frequented, while the band plays every morning and afternoon. The town is cheerful and well arranged, with good shops and first-rate roads, while its principal church, St. Peter's, one of the finest in the kingdom, forms a beautiful object among the dark firs and against the blue sky. With the usual attractions of an English watering-place, Bournemouth combines that of picturesque and well-wooded scenery. The West Cliff is wider and more open than the East, but for that very reason the latter is more frequented by those who require shelter. The country round is well adapted for walking, and the clear buoyant air tempts many a one to try a walk who has not done so for years. Bournemouth is drier than Torquay, and more sheltered than Ventnor, and although the number of delicate people who go there for their winter quarters is annually on the increase, there is anything but an invalid atmosphere in this " Home of the Pines." Marion Smithers. NOTES BY THE WAY. February 20th.—Sighted two vessels. A calm,—no ripple, and scarcely a swell noticeable at sundown. No steering way.