AN IRREGULAR JOURNAL. Vol. I. SOBRAON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1882. No. 2. Bubbles round the keel show the vessel moves.—Mrs. Browning. We have received so many letters on one subject that we cannot publish all, and to select would be invidious. Therefore we give vent to the grievance ourselves, and all the more readily because we feel assured that we have only to mention it in order to bring about its removal. It would seem that one or two passengers delight to take leg-exercise after all lights are put out. At this late hour all good Christians are supposed to be seeking that silken rest which ties up all cares, and it is scarcely gentlemanly conduct to check the soothing embraces of the " sauce of labour " by pacing the main deck in a manner that reminds those below of a " navvy's tread." If medical science has discovered that night air and late hours are more conducive than day-time to recruit enfeebled constitutions and restore health, we would suggest a compromise,—viz., that slippers be worn after 10.30 p.m., though we disapprove of slippers during the day. [J. Q-. E.] DAYOS IN WINTER. So many of your readers being invalids, a short description of the way in which the day is spent by the health-seekers in the Swiss mountains may not be without interest. A beautiful valley, 4,000 feet above the sea, sheltered on every side by lofty and pine-clad mountains, with 12 feet of snow covering the whole surface, and almost perpetual sunshine for four months, forms a picture so very different to the one we gaze on from the quarter-deck of the " Sobraon," that it is difficult to realize the fact that the mountain valley and the ocean are equally sought after by invalids suffering from one and the same disease. About eight a.m. most visitors go out for an hour's " tobaggan- ing " down the slope in front of the hotel. This is one of the most exhilarating exercises imaginable. Seated on a narrow plank, fixed on two steel runners, you fly through the air at the rate of twelve miles an hour, with the lady of your choice riding behind and clinging to you with a tenacity which you may imagine to be prompted by affection, but springs in reality from want of confidence in your power of steering. Tobagganing affords just